

Your home for Hearthstone. Improve your game with our plethora of deck guides, new player guides, and more!

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ICYMI: There was a pretty big backlash this weekend over the news that Deathstalker Rexxar's Beast pool will not be updated and will actually shrink with the Standard rotation. https://t.co/hqMFEK5UTV

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Dungeon Run is many things. Fun. Replayable. Silly at times. But argues that it's also a fantastic intro to the Arena. https://t.co/FYlBihfwCO

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Bastossavoie climbed to top 20 Legend using this Secret/Tempo Mage build. Surprisingly, not that many people are running weapon destruction, so Aluneth often wins you the game! https://t.co/zrCYOUjF14

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Meati hit Legend with his version of Highlander Priest (with some Dragon synergies). Check it out here: https://t.co/43d8JEIMOP

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If you sell your firstborn child, you might be able to afford this Big/Recruit Warrior deck from ... but just barely. Check it out here: https://t.co/2rqWZlVIcV

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Ryvius has hit Legend with Control Mage including Dragoncaller Alanna. Have you tried a similar deck already? What do you think about it? https://t.co/yjjOnlL3cg

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ICYMI: Yesterday we had a list of the best decks so far. But given that the meta constantly changes, who knows how the list is going to look tomorrow! We'll keep you updated with more fresh decks :) https://t.co/dL7dL4WTRM

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A Hearthstone Deck For Every & Catacombs Legendary


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"The purpose of this deck is to play the pony. Buff it. Buff it more. Win. Even if you win 1 out of 5 games, who cares? You’ve honored the pony." https://t.co/n3KlHnIEEA

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Reminder: We've rounded up nearly every deck tested by the popular streamers from the past five hours here: https://t.co/8P4RTwwAcI

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