Henry Vogelさんのプロフィール画像

Henry Vogelさんのイラストまとめ

Golden Age science fiction. Digital Age author. henryvogelwrites.com

フォロー数:359 フォロワー数:1193

presents the modern look for the well-dressed adventuress. Note her sensible heels - no spike breaking at the wrong moment for her! - and her no-ripping-necessary short skirt, perfect for running or unconstrained high kicks. Watch this space for action fashion advice!

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Talent means nothing if you don't use it. If the most gifted writer in the world won't write, he's a worse writer than the least gifted writer who writes constantly. More, the latter will eventually surpass the former because he's constantly honing what talent he has.

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My newly declared Babe Week continues with 's beautiful rendition of Belit. Conan's partner in adventure had a long run in the Marvel comic, but only appeared in one prose story - "Queen of the Black Coast." As with all Conan stories, it's a good read.

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I loved the short-lived Firefly TV series, so it's no surprise I also love the movie based on it. Serenity gave me everything I loved about Firefly, except with a bigger budget and better effects. If you don't know it, start with Firefly & have Serenity for dessert.

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Take two parts 1960s Marvel universe, mix in one part James Bond, shake (never stir!), and season with a dash of the Fantastic Four. The result is The Incredibles. Filled with heart not found anywhere in the MCU or DCU, it's the best superhero movie ever made.

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"Where do you get your ideas?" Wannabe writers *always* ask that question. I was no exception. Contradictory as it sounds, you write bad ideas until you purge the crap from your system. Or take my route and game masters RPGs. Yes, D&D taught me how to tell stories.

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I almost didn't post the cover for one of my best books. Jeff Doten delivered the style cover I wanted for my attempt at a Golden Age galactic war story, where a plucky band of humans and aliens scramble to save humanity from an alien empire.


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Dane at ebookLaunch created great covers for Recognition books 2 & 3, ones on par with book 1. Despite excellent branding, unique covers, and a strong story, trilogy sales disappointed. I'm biased, but readers are missing a very good trilogy.


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I rarely bought comic book anthology titles, so completely missed Bruce Jones' (writer, pencils) and Dave Stevens (cover, inks) Princess Pam. Based on the story's first page, it looks like an excuse for sci-fi good girl art and double entendres. I can respect that.

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Escapism is vital for our mental health, and books provide the most immersive and least expensive escape available. If you write escapist fiction, ignore the literati and embrace the label. I do so proudly.

Art: Escaping Reality by Yaoyao Ma Van As

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