

Gold ENNIE award-winning writer for Uncaged: Goddesses. Lover of RPGs, One Piece, & history. He/him.

フォロー数:83 フォロワー数:370

Been a year and a half since I first drew this, so feels good to have finally colored it. Fun fact: originally represented Harria Valashtar, half of the Undertakers gang, with Trenzia's flesh golem looming behind her. Concept worked just as well for Keresta + Thagor.

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They're pretty fun. The goliath paladin in my last game, Jimothy Jones, was great. Killed 2 different liches in 1 round, became a living saint + Baba Yaga's favorite grandson, had 3 lovely kids (one a slaad), competed to be crowned new King of the Giants, master goatball player!

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Let's not forget the most egregious official D&D art ever published, and also not forget that this is a father and his daughter:

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As you can see, there's tons of adventure to be had in Bilgewater+beyond! So go hunt sea monsters, stop undead invasions, battle privateers on the high seas, back a faction in the game of pirate politics--whatever you do, just make sure you're the one who comes out ahead. AVAST!

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- the blue forms of ghosts are stirred up by unknown forces in Bilgewater's floating graveyards. Is this a sign of the next Harrowing, or is another faction to blame?
- sailors stand nervously around a box with knocking coming from inside when, BOOM, zombies burst out of it!

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- a dragon shark yanks bodies off hooks at the Slaughter Docks. No one's sure why it's come so close to shore.
- acolytes of Nagakabouros spot lights on the waves at sunset. Bioluminescent life, will-o'-wisps, or something else?
- A gang of drunk pirates corners Noxian sailors.

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- a family of yetis escape after being smuggled in from the Freljord. Why were they brought to the tropics?
- a pair of tortle-like ironback mercenaries stage friendly competitions on Fleet Street to draw attention to potential employers, but are getting increasingly violent.

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Next, we have some adventure hooks+random encounters!
- Thea Brown, an exotic pet dealer, sells the party an egg that hatches into either a sea horse, a toad, a pseudodragon, or a dragon shark!
- a not-so-dead giant octopus escapes a killhouse and goes on a rampage in the street.

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Miss Fortune got her hands on a strange idol that can summon elemental critters known as Powder Monkeys. These little scamps eat gunpowder and throw... and yes, this is in their stat block, explosive poop. God bless.

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