

💪🏳️‍🌈 Pan he/him/tired

フォロー数:2603 フォロワー数:117

Or how about Miguel O'hara the Spider-Man of 2099? Literally a blank slate of Spider-Man content not bound to MCU nonsense because he's from the future, but noooo make an El Muerto movie.

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Bringing it back around to comics; MODOK's father couldn't accept him for what he was and turned a simple boy, his own child, into a monster.

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Also illustrates what Disney's, and everyone else's really, reaction to DeSantis should be.

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He's a genetically enhanced cyborg alien that just kinda looks like a horse. Normally his people look like buff Cheetos. Him and Thor met, tussled for a bit and Bill was actually able to lift Mjolnir. Thor, realizing that this guy rules, asked Odin to give him his own hammer.

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Man now I can only imagine BRB's lines in his voice- and it's great!

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They've even got a training mode sparring character already. I usually like weirder characters so Dionysus and Charon would be neat.

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The inverse scenario yields good results as well.

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You can have both, it doesn't have to be either or.

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I've always been so conflicted about Black Cat. She's often set up as Marvel's Catwoman and "OMG so hot!". Then you learn her backstory and it's like Jeeeeeeezussss these aren't healthy behaviors, are you ok Felicia do you need help!?

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