Reporting the news from 1823さんのプロフィール画像

Reporting the news from 1823さんのイラストまとめ

Tweeting first about Peterloo & 1819, then @200Magazine which reported events in 1822/23 in the style of today. Archive:

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There have been immense crowds in and around Cato Street all day. The Globe says they included many gentlemen of respectability and rank. A large amount of blood is still visible in the street, as well as damage to buildings from pistol shots.

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New pictures have just been released, showing the inside and outside of the property at Marylebone in Westminster, where police last night thwarted what is already being called the Cato Street conspiracy, a plot to murder Lord Liverpool's Cabinet.

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Police, with military back-up, last night raided a house at Cato Street in Marylebone, to stop what's said to have been a conspiracy to murder government ministers while they were dining in Grosvenor Square. One constable was killed and several injured. Nine men were arrested.

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A squad of elite Bow Street 'Runners' are said to have raided a house in Cato Street in Marylebone, close to the Edgware Road. There are reports of fighting inside the building with a group of armed men, and of police officers suffering serious injuries.

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George III's 59 year reign is the longest ever by a British, English or Scottish monarch. Unlike his two predecessors in the House of Hanover, King George was born in Britain, spoke English as his first language and never visited the German territory of which he was also head.

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It just remains to wish everyone who's followed our live tweets of the news of 1819 a very happy 2020. The tweets will stay on Twitter and I hope this won't be the last you hear of this project, in some form, in print or online. If you stay following you'll find out. Thank you.

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Whatever happened to......explorer William Parry (pictured) and engineer Thomas Telford? Lt Parry is today with his crews on HMS Hecla and HMS Griper in the Arctic searching for the northwest passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific. As 1820 strikes, it's mild - just 6f (-14c).

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Lt William Parry says the 87 crew on HMS Hecla and HMS Griper are enjoying much of the same festivity as they would at home, and 'to the credit of the men be it spoken, without any of that disorder by which it is too often observed by seamen'. A religious service has been held.

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Nonplussed constables were told by the owner of the food shop they'd raided that the only pikes he was selling - cheap - were fish. The 'great day' at hand for their use was in fact Christmas Day, not any sort of uprising. The officers left the scene amid laughter and scoffs.

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In the Lords debate on the seditious meetings bill, Earl Grosvenor (Whig) said the emergency legislation was likely to cause discontent and indignation. He's been a critic of ministers over Peterloo and refused to contribute towards increased volunteer forces in his home county.

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