

Head of Art. Northumberland. All views are my own.

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I think I’ve found it-was it this one? If so it’s incredible!!!

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Thanks. One of the perks of the job is that I also got to paint these 2 as my examples. It’s important to work alongside students so that they can see the process😀

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I did all of these ones myself, but when I give them to students, I made these little packs with brief instructions and a handful of googly eyes.

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Our Y7 and Y8 tiny A6 Art History concertina sketchbooks are looking beautiful! We’ve explored Impressionism so far through paintings of North East coasts and castles, and are now moving on to Surrealism and collage. Check these out

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Highlight of my day was spotting this ball of hair in the sink in the girls toilets. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t convince my Y10 and 11 Photography students to appreciate its beauty, and how amazing it would look with a macro lens...😂

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It’s always sad to hand over Y11 work from last year, but I can completely understand why students want to take work home when it looks this good. A stunning Y11 Externally Set Task from last year based on ‘The Elements’ with 2 beautifully painted real umbrellas as final pieces.

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Had such a lovely family day out today at Huge thanks to all
for a great day. I love coming away with ideas for future projects too

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