

I discovered the secret to enlightenment: its watching Land Before Time movies. Science, Death Metal, Biology. #LandBeforeTime #LandB4Time #WeWantMoreLBT

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In this picture they are! Isis made a great picture of the gang as adults for me earlier in the year, so for the anniversary I had him make me another one.

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As the film goes one, Littlefoot’s relationship with Chomper is so sweet and so brotherly, even a young kid like me was enraptured by it. And of course, the farewell scene at the end of the movie was heartbreakingly sweet. And so Chomper left. I liked him as a character

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You guys remember this picture I commissioned this year? Ain’t it a good picture? This a good picture. I love this picture, yep yep yep, sure do. Definitely not bringing it up for any particular reason or anything, just wanted to make sure you remembered it.

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Some people interpret this as a slight on the gang’s part to not include them on their adventure. I think the more likely explanation was simply that Universal was betting not everyone who watched XVI had seen the tv series and wanted to give new viewers

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Shorty is a character that helps make it so. Good kid, and I demand to see him again at some point.

What are your guys’ thoughts and feelings about Shorty?

THREE DAYS till the anniversary!

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to be and come into his own. I know he has it in him, terrible show of leadership in the TV show not withstanding. And if he does I bet he won’t ever be left out of a chance to be shown alongside Bron again. Great Longneck Migration is a very emotional film and

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(and if you saw the first film you’d know that she did, they just ended up a wee bit, um, smashed) and here he gets his wish in a way. Thankfully, event though he doesn’t show up in Journey of the Brave, he does show up in the TV show, and he’s still the little punk

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he probably would have sulked off. Thankfully Bron does notice that he’s missing and Littlefoot, being the awesome guy that he is, find him and offers to be brothers. Just the film prior, Littlefoot had been wishing his mother had given him siblings to play with

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And I hope he is in the future, particularly any future movies that focus on Petrie again. Their dynamic is great, and a good guest star makes the main cast look even better.

What are your guys’ thoughts on Guido?

We’re five days away!

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again in ‘Hermit of Black Rock’ for a solo adventure. I kinda wish Mama Flyer would just adopt Guido so we can see him hanging out around the flyer household more, so we could have scenes with him and Petrie any time we get a nest shot of Petrie’s family.

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