

I discovered the secret to enlightenment: its watching Land Before Time movies. Science, Death Metal, Biology. #LandBeforeTime #LandB4Time #WeWantMoreLBT

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of the movie is challenging long standing beliefs and that there’s more to life than what we can usually come up with to explain it. The Rainbow Faces being aliens fits right in with that. And honestly I thought the scene itself was tastefully done: it’s never out and out

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Now, it’s impossible to talk about the Rainbow Faces without mentioning their final scene. The Rainbow Faces pull a ‘look over there!’ on Littlefoot and as he turns back around, the Rainbow Faces are gone, and a star is moving in some pretty weird patterns in the sky,

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The two are certainly an interesting pair: very snarky and aloof in a way that gently prods at all the superstitious beliefs the people of the Great Valley, especially regarding the Mysterious Beyond. This could have been done badly if they had come off as know-it-alls,

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and wouldn’t have looked that terribly dissimilar to them. But this does demonstrate the risk of using a lesser known species of animal as a character in your cartoon and then taking heavy artistic liberties with how they look: people might think you just made them up.

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One subtle difference I've noticed about Dana and Dinah is that Dana always has a sleepy eyed look, kind of like Huey from the Ducktales reboot. Maybe he has a similar laid-back personality compared to his sister.

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Tricia came around that we haven’t had a chance to see them since the sixth film, which I think is unfortunate if true. I’d personally love to see them again, some day.

So what are your guys' thoughts and feelings about Dana and Dinah?

Eleven days 'till the anniversary!

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along for the ride as well. As it stands, for their one outing in Secret of Saurus Rock I’ve always liked them. They’re cute, and they have some great scenes with Cera. In a way, they’re kind of like Tricia before Tricia was born. Maybe it was BECAUSE

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per se, but I feel like I can appreciate them as what they are, and their place in the series. Also, "Yellow Belly Bounce" has been growing on me lately.

Anyway, 13 days until the anniversary. What are your guy's thoughts on the Yellow Bellies? Have a great rest of your day!

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to make any logical sense… until it ends up working precisely in their favor through some weird roundabout way. You can choose to view the Yellow Bellies in a similar way: folks who are idiots on the surface that actually have everything figured out far better than the so called

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I knew them by reputation before I ever actually saw film XIII. Everyone I ever met in the Land Before Time community would, without question, say Wisdom of Friends was the absolute worst film in the series and it was all because of the dumb, pandering Yellow Bellies. And yet,

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