

I discovered the secret to enlightenment: its watching Land Before Time movies. Science, Death Metal, Biology. #LandBeforeTime #LandB4Time #WeWantMoreLBT

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of place among his own kind. The two are a good weirdo duo with each other, and if any character among the gang could use a buddy outside of the gang, it’s Petrie. Whereas he’s usually the most cowardly member of his group of friends, when he’s

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brought up at the rock circle when the adults of the valley must have discussed whether they were going to allow a sharptooth like Chomper and an omnivore like Ruby to live amongst them. The point is, Guido is meant to be an oddity, unique amongst himself and without

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Are trying to find out where they came from and if they have any family or anything like that. For Guido, he’s most concerned about WHAT he is, and once that gets sorted away his main focus is just fitting in to the valley. He’s technically the first carnivore

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The little guy was so overwhelmingly happy to see all his friends, while knowing full well that it was not going to last. The gang knew that too, and for all that they’re happy to see them you can also kind of tell they’re trying to curb their enthusiasm just a little bit

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once he solved his problem of getting back to his family, he’d have no other problems in, like, his entire life. He’d go on having a happy wonderful carefree life. People like that in real life irritate the hell out of me: when I’m forced to be around them I’m like:

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Mo isn’t a complicated character. He doesn’t have the self-esteem issues of Mr. Thicknose and doesn’t suffer any kind of communal hardship like the Tinysauruses: he’s one of the more cheerful characters in the series. In fact, I dare say he might be THE most

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He acquired all this second hand knowledge and became renowned for it, which became the only thing he had going on for him in his life. He does end up being very defensive when anyone questions his knowledge of things, but you know what? When I was a

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Mr. Thicknose, on the other hand, has always struck me as a more tragic character. He was such a cripplingly shy kid that he had no friends at all, and would pass the time by listening to the things the farwalkers had to say as they came through the Valley.

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jealous is a good bit of character development for her that was thankfully kept from film eight to the TV series. I wouldn’t mind seeing him get older still and learn to speak even more, and maybe interact with some of the gang other than Spike. Ducky especially.

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Tippy & Mr. Thicknose
Yeah, I’m doing both of these two at the same time despite them not being a duo like Dana & Dinah and the Rainbow Faces. And I’ll do so for all concurrent guest stars. Why?... I started too late 🤷‍♂️

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