

I discovered the secret to enlightenment: its watching Land Before Time movies. Science, Death Metal, Biology. #LandBeforeTime #LandB4Time #WeWantMoreLBT

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The Yellow Bellies
While I am trying to emphasize ranking less in this list, in last place I just have to put the most polarizing characters in the whole series: the goofy, rotund bepiasaurues, the Yellow Bellies.

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I wanted my first one to be Mortarion, since my Death Guard army is far more complete than my Thousand Sons army, but finding a good deal on Mortarion is proving to be waaay harder. This hobby is insanely expensive if you go gung ho, so I'm trying to be patient and frugal.

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Got my first Daemon Primarch, Magnus the Red of the Thousand Sons. Was searching for months for a good deal on him, and managed to snag a painted one for less than the box model price. Not the best painted version in the world (mine is on the left) but hey, he was cheap.

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"So... its a boy, then?"

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Your god maybe. My god is more into chainaxes and disembowlment

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Thought it was related to Warhammer 40k. Extremely dissapointed.

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Sometimes Cera is just the complete and utter physical representation of all my feelings towards the rest of the world

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