

Interactive, artefact-based history workshops on Mexico, the Mexica/Aztecs and the Maya, in over 3,000 UK schools, museums and arts centres since 1980.

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Whilst this gesture is common in particularly codices (pic from the Zouche-Nuttall/Tonindeyé codex), its meaning is likely to be prosaic: either a ceremonial greeting or a 'request-acceptance' sign. Learn more here -

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There are 5 basic ways to make clothes, and the used them all!
• ‘draped garments’
• ‘slip-on garments’
• ‘open-sewn garments’
• ‘closed-sewn garments’
• ‘limb-encasing garments’.
Learn more -

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How do you read an Most are unidirectional screenfolds so the reading order follows a single story line. But several ones follow a 'boustrophedon' format, as a field is ploughed -
Original graphic thanks to

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Who said the didn't have fun? Book 2 of the Florentine Codex has a lovely description of annual pillow fights: boys threw stuffed bags at girls, who chased the boys with cactus spines...! Latest in our GIF OFFERINGS section -

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Sample from Book 2 of the Florentine ('The Ceremonies') in our new GIF OFFERINGS section. In general the kept their world v clean - getting dirty (by association close to the sacred) was limited to ritual occasions...

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Our brand new feature on the (turtle shell drum) - thought to be the ancestor of the / (two-toned slit drum) and one of the oldest musical instruments anywhere...

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As calls grow for Scotland to pardon C16 witch-hunt victims 'we must remember that "witchcraft" and "sorcery" are Western terms, loaded with historical baggage with a slew of negative connotations'. Read our article on ancient by Jeremy D. Coltman

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Ode to beads (#Aztec no. 33)
On your journey to Mictlan you’ll need
Warm clothing, food, drink… and a bead;
We know it sounds funny
But the jade was like money
To pay for your soul to be freed.
Pic thanks to Steve Radzi
Our latest article

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Our latest - an ode to warrior-musicians:-
There was a young man from Otumba
Who fought as if dancing the rumba.
He brandished obsidian,
His movement Euclidean
To the rhythm of Zumba que Zumba.
Illustration © Thomas Haller Buchanan

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For years scholars struggled with the term - representative, delegate, substitute, image, impersonator, likeness, representation, character, localised/deity embodiment, god presenter...
They were key to human sacrifices -

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