Ewan Morrisonさんのプロフィール画像

Ewan Morrisonさんのイラストまとめ

Writer. Hubris Analyst. Agents: Fiction & Non Fiction: @MWHamilton Screen: Nick Marston @CBTheatreFilmTv

フォロー数:8948 フォロワー数:27667
# disney

Part 4. Quotes and pictures by Leonara Carrington (1917-2011).
"I've always had access to other worlds. We all do, because we dream"
"I warn you, I refuse to be an object."

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Part 2. quotations by Surrealist Leonora Carrington (1917-2011).
"Sentimentality is a form of fatigue"
"There are things that are not sayable, that's why we have art"
"I don't have time to be anyone's muse"
'Art has always been the raft onto which we climb to save our sanity"

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The father of Scottish artist Joan Eardley (1921-63) was an army Captain who had Shell-Shock after a gas attack in WW1. He "suffered a mental breakdown during Joans' early childhood" and committed suicide when she was 8. In her art she struggled against the elements. And won.

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Elizabeth Siddal, the muse of the Pre-Raphaelites became addicted to Laudanum & overdosed at age 32. Grief struck, husband Rossetti put the only copy of his poems in her coffin. 7 years on he exhumed her to retrieve his poems & found "her copper hair had grown to fill the coffin"

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Ah, Gustave Dore! What more is to be said on the matter? The pictures speak for themselves across the ages.

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The Plot thickens! It turns out that one of Sarah Bernhardt's painting and sculpture tutors was none other than Gustave Dore - the world's greatest gothic illustrator - of Dante's Divine Comedy fame.The 19th century, eh!

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A weak child, Mozart wrote his first symphony at age 8 & composed 1/2 the number of total symphonies he would before age 19. By age 20 he was the most renowned composer in Europe. At age 36 he was buried in a paupers grave. He said "Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius."

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Edward Munch's The Sick Child was among 71 paintings that escaped the Nazis after Hitler labelled Munch's art "degenerate art". At 76, when the Nazis invaded Norway, Munch feared they would destroy his art. The Sick Child was hidden & saved along w/a painting called "The Scream"!

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Part 2. The Swedish Folklore illustrator whose style shaped the classic Disney look. Gustaf Tenggren (1896-1970). After only 3 years at he "left the studio because of artistic differences with Walt Disney". These images are from his first job - Snow White (1937)

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