The Nasty Pastyさんのプロフィール画像

The Nasty Pastyさんのイラストまとめ

We love the ‘video nasty era’ of horror so much that we write essays, record commentaries, and create bespoke merch for the discerning physical media collector!

フォロー数:579 フォロワー数:1350

Today we’re celebrating American ‘Andy Warhol’ director Paul Morrissey, born on this day in 1938! His flamboyant, avant-garde film style got Flesh for Frankenstein and Blood for Dracula caught up in the UK’s video nasty panic, though his Flesh, Trash, and Heat also caused a stir!

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Today we’re remembering Polish arthouse director Andrzej Żuławski, who died on this day in 2016. Driven from his native Poland to France due to government censorship, he’s well-known for his video nasty Possession, The Devil and My Nights Are More Beautiful Than Your Days!

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Just heard the very sad news that director Alfred Sole has passed away. Incredibly talented, Sole was a director, production designer and writer on many flicks, including his most famous, video nasty Alice Sweet Alice, as well as Tanya’s Island and Pandemonium. RIP Mr Sole 😞

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On this day in 1977, Cannibal was released, Italian director Ruggero Deodato’s first foray into the cannibal subgenre. While it didn’t gain the infamy of his later Cannibal Holocaust, the brutal savagery on display nonetheless got the film listed on the DPP’s Section 3 list!

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We also remember the late, great Tobe Hooper who was born on today’s date in 1943. Apart from giving us classics like Poltergeist and The Mangler, he contributed three movies to the video nasty scare in 1980s Britain, namely Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Death Trap and The Funhouse!

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Happy 86th Birthday to , director of the psychological seaside tale The Witch Who Came From the Sea, one of the UK’s notorious video nasties! He also helmed the blaxploitation classic Candy Tangerine Man in 1975 and 1983’s sword ‘n’ sandal epic Hundra. 🥳🤩🥳

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On this day in 1975, Miguel Iglesias’ action-packed supernatural menagerie The Werewolf and the Yeti was released to audiences! Oddly, it found itself on the UK government’s notorious list of video nasties and was successfully prosecuted, removing it permanently from UK shelves!

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Poster art for Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988)

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Poster art for A Blade in the Dark (1983)

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Poster art for Wedding Trough (1974)

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