

M | Old | OW | Monster High | Anime

フォロー数:30 フォロワー数:17

There's someone on my TL complaining about a lack of comp partner, and I need a comp partner as well, except they refuse to play OW with me. Or generally talk to me. And have me muted and are only pity following me at this point.

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Mum's really getting on my case about why I'm asleep for 14+ hours a day now. First off, hypersomnia. Secondly, what part of 'crippling' in 'crippling depression' don't you understand?

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I've been sitting on this barbie reaction gif for a while now, but I can't think of a proper post to attach it to. So instead, here's some other mood images I'm too depressed to make some dark humor post about.

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I get more indoor rain than the actual outdoor rain. If Negi had his own personal weather forecast, it would be cloudy with an 80% chance of rain 24/7.

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I thought the 3 SR gain was a myth... It is not a fucking myth. I feel robbed.

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Anywho, I'll shut up about this and just try to keep my mind off of things.

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No one:

No one at all:

Negi, getting $750 in the mail for free:

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Dear please fix the visual bug with's varsity skin not showing her golden fusion cannons while in 1st person mech view. Her pistol displays fine, the cannons display golden when emoting, they just don't show gold in mech view.

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Like, when I'm solo queue it's pure sweat mode because I'm playing to rank up, not to spend time with someone. Feels, batman.

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