

フォロー数:37 フォロワー数:17

Every now and then my nightmares involve thalassophobia. This time they decided to keep up with the theme of 'extra spicy' and throw in hurt and betrayal to that. So that was fun...

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Pretty accurate representation of Peter, when I did something I shouldn't have, to fix a problem that doesn't really need to be fixed, and in the end nothing changed and the problem still exists, except now I just feel even worse.

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Extra spicy nightmares, please stop. You know full well I no longer have anyone to help make me feel better after waking up. And that my anxiety candy doesn't work. And that certain things are on the major "do not dream about" list, and you went and threw in three of them.

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1:30am sad shower hours? 1:30am sad shower hours.

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