

フォロー数:37 フォロワー数:17

Hot coffee kills my stomach, yet here I am drinking some like an absolute fool.

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>finally feel something again
>it's just regret, longing, loneliness, and sorrow. All in a very specific way that I don't wanna talk about, because talking about it means thinking about it, and I don't wanna think.

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>be me
>have wireless internet bc living on a mountain
>ISP says they'll be taking the fiber backed internet tower offline during the night a while ago for equipment upgrades
>my 2mbps dl speed is now hitting upwards of 7mbps

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Me: "I don't need to fix this game, it's only a minor annyoance."
Also me, 3 hours in to fixing the game, even though I said I wouldn't:

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Ngl, Ms. Marvel show is kinda lame... You know what ISN'T lame? Symmetra's VA being in it.

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>remembers a singular thing
>breaks down crying. again.

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Anyways, time to go be miserable in the shower for a while because haha my anxiety turned me in to a sweaty, upsetti mess of tears.

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