

M | Old | OW | Monster High | Anime

フォロー数:30 フォロワー数:17

>manhwa TLs change
>Miss Placed Eyes gets renamed to Cookie
Bastards. How dare they do such things? The entire thing is full of name puns, yet THIS is the one you want to change?

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Negi will go attempt sleep for the next 2 hours, as he has to be up at 10:30ish. Doubt I'll get any, though. Too fucking miserable and feeling very alone, plus Charlie won't shut up again, so that's fun. Well, it is what it is...

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Bruh fuck off with all this relationship stuff in my weeklies, god damn. Or at least make it happy. I need happy things right now, not this. This stuff hurts, and I don't like it.

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Fucking horse escaped, so I had to spend an hour catching him & fixing the wire fence...

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Guess who was right yet again?

Literally all she did was bump up my dose of lithium by 150mgs, then said "Well just stop taking this if it doesn't help" and told me to file another appeal if the insurance doesn't cover this other antidepressant.

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You could have said, "Are you okay in there?" But no. You had to yell at me and tell me to be quiet. Bitch, I was in the middle of vomiting out my entire stomach, I can't quietly do that. And you don't see me telling you to shut the fuck up every morning with your sick either.

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Haha my horrible anxiety caused me to become a massive acid factory, and the anxiety pills don't help any, even when I take an irresponsible amount 🙃

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Negi has put solid effort in to being social, but it's just not the same. There's a very real difference between interacting with someone you trust, and those you don't. I should probably just do the smart thing and just...Not. I dunno. Everything feels wrong.

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Every now and then my nightmares involve thalassophobia. This time they decided to keep up with the theme of 'extra spicy' and throw in hurt and betrayal to that. So that was fun...

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