

Breaking down and studying all facets of one of the oldest and greatest characters in comics: Dick Grayson, aka Nightwing.

フォロー数:259 フォロワー数:13833

They don't drag out the Clancy bit too long. Issue 6 and Dick finally gets to meet her properly, and learns firsthand that old adage about assumptions.

Clancy is probably my favorite Nightwing supporting character, ever. She's a fun character, I wish she'd stuck around.

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I really like the voice for Dick in this series. He's got fun little in-jokes, like calling moving across the city by rooftop the "rooftop express." His little remarks like Blüdhaven's bus service being "theoretical at best."

This is what Nightwing's humor should be like.

3 28

Nightwing is when he first meets Lady Vic. Honestly, with a bit of work she and a few of the other C listers he fights could be cooler. Batman has the A list roster of villains, but he's got B and C tier ones too. Same could be true for Nightwing.

3 21

Dick needed to question this guy for part of his case, and took out his guards. I like how he takes all their guns to dispose of them. He's snarky about it too.

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Three issues in, and Dick already suspects there's more to Blüdhaven than meets the eye. Something fishy is going on with the underworld there. Spoilers: it's Blockbuster.

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Heh, Dick is starting to sound like a Nightwing fan.

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I used to find McDaniel's action hard to follow. It's certainly unorthodox, he plays with odd angles. But he captures the movement and energy of Nightwing better than most, and when it works, it works well.

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The BPD are so crooked that Redhorn sends Soames to execute Dick rather than lock him up. They don't want Batman's attention (and Redhorn is too stupid to realize killing Dick would accomplish the opposite of what he wants). Soames has other plans, which aren't altruistic...

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Dick is originally sent to Blüdhaven after 21 guys with broken necks drift up the river to Gotham. I don't really like that Blüdhaven is supposed to be worse than Gotham. I get that it establishes Dick's rep to defend a place like that, but...Gotham should be the worst.

4 39

Nightwing mother-henning the Titans by explaining the plan and how to stay safe is cute.

I guess now that Dick's emotional issues have mostly been resolved, he and Starfire's next hurdle will be her violence vs his restraint.

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