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Art of Hayley from My Pokémon Ranch. Her design is inspired by her Mii from the game. She is also seen holding a Wii remote, an object that is hardly seen in official artwork of this kind.
Hayley's English name comes from hay, a type of straw typically seen at ranches.
#Swshfacts Galarian Zigzagoon is the first Regional Variant to not be based on a Pokémon introduced in Generation 1. Both Zigzagoon and Linoone were introduced in Generation 3.
@phoenix_wrights I didn't even notice that until you pointed it out. What the heck.
Pokemon Sun and Moon game concept art has it kidnapping Ash and Serena from the Pokemon anime. This gag has never appeared in the games but has been a reoccurring gag in the anime, although, it targets the Team Rocket Trio rather than Ash and his friends.
Only 6 Pokemon have been in every single Regional Pokedex (Unless one were to count BW's Unova Pokedex as separate from B2W2's).
Art of the Ultra Beasts' homeworlds from the Fall in the Ultra Beasts merchandise campaign. Each Ultra Beast got it's own artwork except for Poipole and Naganadel, which originate from Ultra Megalopolis. This is the only time Blacephalon and Stakataka's homeworlds have been seen.
According to Masahiro Sakurai, he new a Pokemon from X and Y would be added to Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U. This Pokemon in the end turned out to be Greninja and was decided before it even appeared in a Pokemon game. The developers only had concept art to rely on creating it.
In Pokemon X and Y, Gengar is the only Pokemon with the ability Levitate that is unable to be used in Sky Battles. This is likely due it's Mega Evolution being attached to the ground. Normal Gengar completely lost the ability Levitate in Gen 7 being replaced with Cursed Body.
Gloom is the only Pokemon to have it's secondary type completely removed upon evolving. This is only true while Evolving into Bellossom as Vileplume still keeps it's Poison Typing. Aggron is also the only Pokemon to completely loose it's secondary typing upon Mega Evolving.
Artwork of May and Brendan escaping from Rayquaza drawn by Ken Sugimori. The art was drawn in 2004 for Pokémon Emerald Version. However the characters are drawn in their Ruby and Sapphire designs instead.