

Clobbers the hell out of timeclocks. Loves comics and its history.

フォロー数:1488 フォロワー数:2136

I feel like Marvel left money on the table by not giving Snakeyes his own miniseries at the height of G. I. Joe fame.

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The Great Mike Wieringo. First pro-work to final pro-work.

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The 2000's were an odd time for Power Pack comics. Marvel produced the slew of Gurihiru series so close together and so frequently that it might as well have been an ongoing.

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I hear wistful lamentations from fans of this series, yet Blue Devil has NEVER had his name highlight a book again. Not a mini, not a one shot, nothing. That's pretty crazy considering nearly everything gets a return in some form or another nowadays.

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Which team really was the Teen Team of the 90's?

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When I was picking up Cable duron Ladronn's run, it never failed -- almost every issue had a guest character that I would've wanted Ladronn to do more with.

I'd like to see a short return to the batshit crazy Jack Kirby Black Panther run with his art.

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Apparently, Claremont wasn't a fan of this storyline. I like it, but probably because they were the earliest issues in the Uncanny run I picked up at the time. Maybe that's it -- nobody else wanted them and they were just easier to find.

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Action Comics
Cover price $2.25, 2000-2004

It's another sizable increase, but at least they kept it steady for 4 years.

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