

Clobbers the hell out of timeclocks. Loves comics and its history.

フォロー数:1488 フォロワー数:2136

Image published a couple comics from Studiosaurus in the 90's. Studiosaurus was a collection of artists including Adam Warren, Aaron Lopresti, Terry Dodson, Ron Randall and Matt Haley.

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Back in the 90's when Collectible Card Games were a big deal, Wildstorm pushed out Jim Lee's C-23. I can't speak of the success or failure of the CCG, but the comic lasted 8 issues, and at least had some covers by Jim Lee & Travis Charest.

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Extreme Image team of the 90's


Keith Giffen came aboard for a few issues and really 'effed these guys up. Their ability of dying and coming back was really put to the test by The Gif.

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Extreme Image team of the 90's


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Image team of the 90's

Battle Chasers

I don't care what you say. This is a team book. Red Monica comes with her own team.

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Marvel team of the 90's


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Marvel team of the 90's


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Marvel team of the 90's


I wasn't around comics during the "Terra is a traitor" reveal, so this was fans of my age's Judas Contract.

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Marvel team of the 90's

Sunfire & Big Hero 6

An alright miniseries ridiculously overpriced in the secondary market. I'm all for a Sunfire-centric comic tho. He's one of my favorite secondary characters.

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Toss Quasar, Silver Surfer and Beta Ray Bill into a faction, and you've got the briefly existed Star Masters.

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