

Clobbers the hell out of timeclocks. Loves comics and its history.

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Marvel team of the 90's

Fantastic Four

For me, Heroes Reborn FF was a better Ultimate FF than Ultimate FF. It was just too rushed because the creative team wanted to hit all the FF trappings within the span of one year.

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Marvel team of the 90's

Fantastic Four

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WWF attitude by Chaos! Comics

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Marvel teams of the 90's

The Avengers

George Perez dusted off his pencil to show those whippersnappers how it's really done.

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Marvel team of the 90's

The Avengers

Heroes Reborn, tucked away in Franklin Richards' little blue ball, brings Marvel's big guns together under a couple of Image Studios.

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Marvel team of the 90's

Alien Legion

An intergalactic French Foreign Legion published through the more adult-oriented Epic comics imprint.

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Marvel team of the 90's

A Next

Just what the name implies -- The Avengers of the M2 line of books.

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The final DC team of the 90's

Young Justice

DC takes some of their most popular teens and toss them together for a hit comic. Sounds so easy, but it took them a helluva long time to do it.

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DC teams of the 90's

Young Heroes in Love

Man, this was great. A real joy to read.

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Total Justice was the 90's Super Powers line of toys that didn't quite catch fire like the latter did in the 80's. This was a miniseries written by Christopher Priest that was inspired by the toy line. It tried. It really tried.

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