Futurama Quotesさんのプロフィール画像

Futurama Quotesさんのイラストまとめ

Quotes from #Futurama tv show and comics. Not Affiliated with Fox, Hulu or Disney.

フォロー数:50 フォロワー数:53258

Hmm. I'm not sure we want to pay for a dimension we're not going to use.

Aah! Ooh! Ee! Ooh! Oh! Aah! Ee! Ooh! Aah! Ee! Aah! Ooh! Ee! Ooh! Ee! Aah!

18 78

I am the man with no name.

Zapp Brannigan, at your service.

31 170

I don't know how you did that.

25 102

I know what name you wanna give him Yancy. It's OK.

Really? Son, I'm naming you Philip J. Fry in honour of my little brother, who I miss every day.

I love you, Philip, and I always will.

51 251

Being poor sucks.

What kind of world is this, where they advertise things not everybody can afford?

17 80

Can I ask you a question?

As long as it's not about my eye.


Is it about my eye?

Sort of.

Just ask the question.

What's with the eye?

37 151


That's a funny name for a horrible disease.

24 110

Come on in, I'll give you the tour!

Let's see, where to start. OK, this is the TV area, that over there's the breakfast nook, and over here is where you'll be living which is great because, until now, it's just been wasted space.

12 58

Hello, Mavis! Surprised to see me back again so soon?

Mavis is dead.

I expect you'll want to see my angry, crotchety, grandpa discount card.

Sir, this card has expired.

But it's good for a lifetime.

Well, yours expired.

17 76