Robert MacQuarrieさんのプロフィール画像

Robert MacQuarrieさんのイラストまとめ

Might be solving a mystery. Or rewriting history. He/Him

フォロー数:159 フォロワー数:861



More than Meets the Eye- where everything is a payoff to an earlier bit....

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Like, I'm excited about the MJ/BC mini as much as anyone. But as always with the power disparity between the two, I worry that it will be like the one shot which was essentially "Felicia does most of the cool stuff while MJ hangs out in the back and maybe swings a bat."

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And even then, they still offered half measures, doing stuff like publishing the Symbiote Spider-Man series where he's with Felicia, or having the Gwen Stacy mini *at the same time* as MJ's mini just so they could avoid acknowledging how important MJ was to the books.


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It would also explain why editorial has decided to fob off certain story elements to other writers to finish up, since it became painfully clear by an early point that Wells desperately needed help to flesh out his stories.


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Hence why the story seems to be kind of all over the place, with Wells barely doing any setup for the later arcs.

He's already done the story he was interested in, and now has to figure out to what to do next, never having to do this much plotting on his own before.


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"Yes, we know her name came first on the title and this was a book created to satiate the disgruntled fanbase, but we found we didn't really have place for her story at this time. Besides, we feel her presence is felt in this story that doesn't reference her at all!"

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As I saw pointed out elsewhere, these hints at past behavior and MJ's line about responsibility don't land with the weight that they're supposed to because we have *absolutely no clue what they are in reference to!*


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The X-Men have seen a great benefit from a willing acceptance from writers to try to fix past mistakes, with Cyclops and Jean Grey's relationship benefiting greatly from a strong stance supporting the couple as a centerpiece of the line.


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A major fix and an acknowledgement of fixing past mistakes is a good way of getting readers on board with a current run, and giving them confidence that it's not something that is going to go away at some point on a writer's whim...


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