Robert MacQuarrieさんのプロフィール画像

Robert MacQuarrieさんのイラストまとめ

Might be solving a mystery. Or rewriting history. He/Him

フォロー数:163 フォロワー数:809

Or having Spock's mental trauma be cured by him having a mental duel with his evil twin...


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Slott doesn't present Peter and MJ as full of mire and missery, but as a caring couple that are there for each other.

You don't get the sense of this spiteful bitterness that plagued Slott's other work with the character.


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With Slott's AMF story, however, he does land upon a sincere sentiment that does make Spider-Man unique. That does set him apart from the other heroes.

That he is there for the people of New York in a way no other hero is.


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You know, while I'm glad that New York is safer overall as a city, you have to admit it being seen as a rabid cesspool of crime and villainy teetering on the brink of societal collapse *did* create an interesting backdrop for a lot of stories...

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The Green Lantern image is at least heavily edited, and it was drawn by Jorge Molina, and heavily inspired by the work of Jorge González Camarena.

Meaning that someone looked at the first image and *demanded* it be altered into something far more offensive...

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So... even though I disagree with the reasoning, I get why Spidey needed the new suit.

But.... why does he *keep* it after this story?

Like, Vulture's been beat. What's the point of keeping it around?

Pete working for Norman doesn't mean he has to wear it all the time...

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No surprise that Silvestri would step back into an editorial position, helping others work on their ideas and concepts. Finding notable success with the Witchblade franchise, which became *the* face of Top Cow...


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Youngblood is... garbage.

There's little one can say about this that hasn't been said by others a hundred times over.

Youngblood wasn't good. Youngblood fails on practically every level.


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Having read a lot of the early Image comics out of a morbid sense of curiosity crossed with a strange desire to punish myself, it is interesting to compare them and how they may or may not hold up.

They may not be good, but they have varying levels of "badness."


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These were the moments that the first issue and the 900th issue ended off on.

The fact that neither Zeb Wells nor Nick Lowe seem invested in actually *following up on them* in a meaningful way in the main title is just utterly baffling...

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