Robert MacQuarrieさんのプロフィール画像

Robert MacQuarrieさんのイラストまとめ

Might be solving a mystery. Or rewriting history. He/Him

フォロー数:163 フォロワー数:809

I don't think this happened because of "Fan backlash" to because by the time it came out, would have already been completed and at the printers.

So this would had to have happened sometime between solicitation and completion of the issue.


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This has led to a continual series of false starts and stops that further erode Peter's employment opportunities, and has directly resulted in Peter as a character not being employed in one way or another for the better part of *four years* real time...


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This is seen not only in the decision to try and present the narrative that Spider-Man is some sort of harem series without a single "main" love interest but a "rotation" of prominent figures, trying to insist that Felicia and Gwen are *just as* viable as MJ...


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Wow. I guess somebody shoulda told the people at Milestone that what they were doing was *SUPER* racist and not helping anyone at all...

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3. No more corporate Spider-Man suits!

This has been done to death! It needs to stop!

Especially since these suits keep giving him special abilities, which diminish the importance of Peter's actual powers!


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1. Trying to break up Peter and MJ:

Alright, this is an easy one, but it needs to be said.

Marvel hasn't earned up enough good will to break these two up yet.

3 years wasn't enough to make people forget the preceding 10.


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No, he's never really worked for the US Government.

He has full rank privileges because he's technically a US Army Captain, but he's not directly employed by the US.

In fact, one of his biggest storylines is when he rejected working for them.

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Tailgate is unfortunately scarified by the others to keep him busy. additional alt modes can be permitted without going through the necessary safety procedures.

Tailgate is unfortunately- but quickly- sacrificed by the others to keep Magnus busy.


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Nautica doesn't think she'd win and doesn't enter, not realizing that she's already managed to unlock several new forms like hovercraft or deep sea sub, she just didn't understand the full rules of the contest and was too awkward to ask for clarficiation.


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Whirl comes up with an alt mode he calls the "Hurricane Hellfire Screaming Death Machine" mode.

When others point out this is just his helicopter form with his legs sticking out, he tries to show them it's effectiveness but knocks himself unconscious running into a door.


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