Rembrandt's R👀m 🖌 (さんのプロフィール画像

Rembrandt's R👀m 🖌 (さんのイラストまとめ

Maaike Dirkx = art historian | linguist | auctions | Amsterdam | Rembrandt | lazy blogger | Mickey 🐶
Opinions are mine

フォロー数:1155 フォロワー数:19260

Saw this beautiful small panel at TEFAF in 2020: Saint Joseph's dream, attributed to the Master of the Osservanza (identified as the young Sano di Pietro). Tempera and gold on panel.
Happy to learn that the Louvre acquired it in 2021.

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He was in his early 80s when he painted this: Frans Hals. Sooooo good! Just look at the freedom of the brushwork. Life is merely an illusion.

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Jan Steen's "St Nicholas Feast" where the little girl has been given a doll in the shape of a saint is famous. Because of the doll it can be assumed that it was painted for a catholic family. Steen also painted a "protestant" version, where the little girl is holding a large cake

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10. Political murders that reverberate until this day. Strange that a certain museum in Amsterdam that claims to be a museum of art AND history, does not pay any attention to so momentous an event ...

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2. The year of the murders, 1672, has gone down in history as 'disaster year'. The Republic was in serious trouble. The country was attacked from four sides and the French had conquered large parts of the country in a few weeks.

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The conservation of Carpaccio's Life of Saint Ursula is now complete and the room at Venice's Accademia is a true jewel box. Alas, it is not in an obvious spot and I suspect most visitors miss it unless they are searching for it. A dear friend found it and sent me these.

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An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were sore afraid.
- Luke 2:9
Francisco de Holanda. Angelus Domini. c1560 from De Aetatibus Mundi Imagines, a literary and pictorial sketchbook depicting the Biblical history of the world

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