Award-winning author of historical fiction with a dash of sci-fi. My blog, Yankee Doodle Spies, profiles the people, places & things of the Revolutionary War.
3 Sep 1779, American Capt John Paul Jones sailed along the coast of Britain intent on raiding Leith, Edinburgh & Newcastle-on-Tyne. His actual damage would be modest, but the morale effect on the populace was considerable. #RevWar#History#AmRev
24 Aug 1776, American Gen Charles Lee informs Congress that Georgia was more valuable than suspected with natural resources & proximity to the West Indies, it must be out of enemy hands. Lee recommends the Continental Army send additional reinforcements. #AmRev#History#RevWar
23 Aug 1777 Fort Stanwix, NY Native allies under Lt Col Barry St Leger panic on news of Benedict Arnold’s relief column. The British abandon the siege & their camp & equipment in a flight west. #RevWar#History#AmRev