Award-winning author of historical fiction with a dash of sci-fi. My blog, Yankee Doodle Spies, profiles the people, places & things of the Revolutionary War.
14 Nov 1775 Col Benedict Arnold’s forces arrive on the Plains of Abraham outside Quebec. Arnold demands garrison to surrender. Lt Col Allen Maclean refused. Short on supplies & lacking artillery, Arnold goes to Pointe-aux-Trembles to await reinforcements. #RevWar#History#AmRev
24 Oct 1781 British fleet of 25 SOL & several frigates under Adm Graves, with a relief force of 7K Regulars, enter Chesapeake Bay. But with news of Cornwallis’s surrender & presence of French fleet blockading the approaches he turns back to NY on the 29th. #RevWar#History#AmRev
16 Oct 1780 When Loyalists & Iroquois under Sir John Johnson & Chief Joseph Brant are unable to dislodge the Middle Fort garrison in the Schoharie settlements of NY. They burn several buildings and depart. #RevWar#History#AmRev
14 Oct 1777 Under a flag of truce, British Gen John Burgoyne requests terms. American Gen Horatio Gates demands unconditional surrender but soon agrees to an armistice. #RevWar#History#AmRev