Award-winning author of historical fiction with a dash of sci-fi. My blog, Yankee Doodle Spies, profiles the people, places & things of the Revolutionary War.
22 Sep 1779 Capt John Paul Jones commanding Bonhomme Richard takes a pair of British ships off Flamborough Head, England. He also spies a 40- ship convoy at anchor at the mouth of the harbor. #RevWar#History#AmRev
15 Sep 1776 NY, NY Some 4K redcoats land at East River's Kip’s Bay. The American defenders offer very little resistance to the barrage of ships guns and waves of regulars, & Gen Washington is almost captured trying to rally them. They retreat to Harlem #RevWar#History#AmRev
13 Sep 1778 German Flatts (today Herkimer) NY. 450 Iroquois & Loyalists under Chief Joseph Brant & Capt William Caldwell launch an attack but settlers escape to forts Herkimer & Dayton. Only 4 were killed but 100 buildings burned before the raiders depart. #RevWar#History#AmRev
9 Sep 1782 Paris American commissioner John Jay discovers the French minister comte Vergennes sent reps to London for secret negotiations with the British. Based on this Benjamin Franklin insists the British negotiate with a single America, not 13 states. #RevWar#History#AmRev
9 Sep 1780 Defying orders from Gen Clinton in NYC, Gen Charles Cornwallis starts his move north to North Carolina by advancing on Charlotte. #RevWar#History#AmRev