Award-winning author of historical fiction with a dash of sci-fi. My blog, Yankee Doodle Spies, profiles the people, places & things of the Revolutionary War.
6 Sep 1777 Newport, PA. Gen Nathanael Greene & Gen Adam Stephen assemble their 2 divisions while Gen William Maxwell defends along White Clay Creek. #RevWar#History#AmRev
3 Sep 1782 Battle of Trincomalee, India British Adm Edward Hughes’s 12-ship squadron faces off against French Adm de Suffern’s 14 ships in a 3-hour draw. Hughes, unable to take the French base, sails back to Madras. #RevWar#History#AmRev
2 Sep 1775 Beverly, MA. Gen George Washington commissions the 1st US warship – schooner Hannah. Capt Nicholas Boughton’s 1st mission is to attack British supply & transport ships in Boston Harbor.#RevWar #History#AmRev
26 Aug 1778 Philadelphia, PA A member of the British Carlisle Commission, George Johnstone is ordered home for attempting to bribe Congressmen Joseph Reed, Robert Morris & Francis Dana. The peace commission ended in failure. #AmRev#History#RevWar
24 Aug 1777 Gen Benedict Arnold writes Gen Horatio Gates, that the garrison held off a superior force against all odds. British retreated from Ft Stanwix in great haste and abandoning their baggage. He dispatched Tuscarora and Oneida scouts after them. # AmRev #History#RevWar