Scratch Pointさんのプロフィール画像

Scratch Pointさんのイラストまとめ

I'm deliberate with my words & always way ahead of the curve.

Content of Character analyst, inquire about rates.


フォロー数:1584 フォロワー数:8958

People are often driven by their emotions for the ones they care about. This is disingenuous & certainly not a problem. They constantly demand stories that reflect reality yet talk down to easily relatable themes of the human condition.

4 24

The subtitles for My Dress-Up darling are an abomination, but given the state of modern translation whoever is responsible probably sees it as a point of pride.

6 21

This might seem innocuous on the surface, but given their propensity for censorship & localization, Crunchyroll having any kind of influence over what Japanese creators produce does not bode well for anime.

3 19

The Dragon Ball "where are they now" segment isn't looking so good.

2 9

Overworld maps in JRPGs are a greatly missed feature.

4 6

That's an awfully long-winded way of saying "it's okay when we do it." Changing established characters to suit your worldview is just a lazy attempt at piggybacking off of someone else's creativity because you lack the imagination to do any better.

12 44

The NA release of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters features a censored Aska sprite, which made her outfit less revealing & included a completely reanimated victory pose that removed the slight jiggle physics.

5 22

You are ruled by people who have sold their souls to evil entities beyond comprehension. They feed on the chaotic energy generated by the abject misery they inflict upon you. Now, raise your sword or be chattel.

5 25

It isn't a valid translation choice, because sounds that aren't words don't need subtitles at all.

4 23

Localizers think mashing a keyboard is a valid form of translation.

10 41