

Official release readthroughs, predictions & discussions.

Currently Reading: Jujutsu Kaisen, Bleach, Dandadan, Kaiju 8, Sakamoto Days, Kagurabachi & Choujin X

フォロー数:1244 フォロワー数:17788

Just vague place holder visuals at that point but reminded me of Mariah & Galux. What a throwback

3 23

I'm sure this is Kenpachi speaking about himself at his current max, without the eye patch. Which fits when speaking about Ichigo's unrestricted potential & further adds to Zangetsu's later line in TYBW that he restricted the majority of Ichigo's power..

6 52

Best introduction of the series so far. Fujimoto went crazy on Quanxi. The devils don't even get this level of sauce..

13 108

I already want him on the main squad!

5 57

Sometimes things happen by chance or you get lucky. Imo this is hard to write as it may feel overly convenient, unearned, unsatisfying. But sparingly using luck in lesser moments works refreshingly for me. Especially when it fits character(s). 😅 👏🏽

2 34

I've been most curious about how this interaction works. Well I was thinking what if Chainsaw were too fully drain her. Would any extra abilities manifest or a buff occur etc. Same with her. Would she get any benefits that confirm how he's special..

2 43

Bro relax. Worst case scenario he'll be okay with a few drops of blood. 😂

3 33

The bath will be a ritual to transfer the essence of Sukuna's grave wax preserved body parts into his new body or the other way around. Using blood to melt the coating & merge all Curse Objects back into a single form. May not be the 1st time either..

99 1147

AFO & Hawks having this back and forth as the smartest characters on either side has been cool. One of my top interactions this arc. But still, I hoped we'd eventually see Deku be the one to have this with AFO. With how similar they think etc.

8 55

It just clicked for me that his test to avoid becoming a Hollow had him literally try to climb out of a hole; 'literally' as well as spiritually.. Sick joke by Kubo. 😅

4 64