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In high school #steinerstudents are quite familiar w high contrast. Understanding their development give teachers the chance to introduce polarities such as black/white, light/dark. #steinerninthgrade #blackandwhitedrawings #steinerupperschool #waldorfeducation #educationasart
You are all invited to our first Talk of the year! SAVE THE DATE!
Robin Cook: A Short Lecture on #Parzival
Tuesday, September 25, 7 to 9 pm
Lower School Assembly Room
#steinerevents #steinerparents #meetingtheadolescent #steinercurriculum #prospectiveparents
L'Shanah Tovah!
Long weekend of celebration for the Jewish New Year.
To all the jewish families in our #steinercommunity have a good and sweet year.
#jewishnewyear #lshanahtovah #applesandhoney #onfestivals #shanatovah #engagedcommunity
When students go through the middle school years they start to take a distance from color and to see more in high contrast like black and white. #steinereighthrade #blackandwhitedrawings #steinerupperschool #waldorfeducation #educationasart #steinerstudents #childdevelopment
#eurythmy has its echo in another topic unique to #Waldorfschools, Form Drawing. It builds a spatial awareness in children & leads them to know the drawing of line as movement come to stillness. #steinercurriculum #waldorfedication #childdevelopment #livingeducation
“If we don’t believe within ourselves this deeply rooted feeling that there’s something higher than ourselves, we shall never find the strength to evolve into something higher.” #rudolfsteiner
#steinerseventhgrade #paintingclass #steinerstudents #waldorfeducation #weealkinbeauty
"You must be for the children the representative of the good, the true, and the beautiful. The Children must be drawn to truth, goodness, and beauty simply because the children are drawn to you yourself." #rudolfsteiner
#kingdomofchildhood #childdevelopment #waldorfeducation
In the #nybglibrary, on cold days like these, we're daydreaming about Cicely Mary Barker's flower fairies." #Repost @NYBG #wewalkinbeauty
"En un lugar de la Mancha, de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme..." #donquijote #steinerfifthgrade #steinercurriculum #waldorfeducation
When the eye sees a colour it is immediately excited, and it is its nature, spontaneously to produce another." #goethe #steinercommunity