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“The healthy social life is found
When, in the mirror of each human being
The whole community finds its reflection -
And when, in the community
The virtue of each one is living.” #rudolfsteiner #corevalues #threefoldorganism #steinercommunity #wewalkinbeauty #waldorfeducation
This dance form is an essential part of the curriculum in Waldorf schools. It has its echo in another topic unique to Waldorf schools, #formdrawing. #eurythmy #euryhtmyvowels #steinercurriculum #childdevelopment #wewalkinbeauty #livingeducation #willforces #waldorfeducation
“Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.” The impact of #janegoodall permeating the souls of the #steinerfifthgraders #mainlessonblock #steinerlanguagearts #blackboarddrawings #steinerfifthgrade #writingskills
“When out of world-wide spaces
The sun speaks to the human mind,
And gladness from the depths of soul
Becomes, in seeing, one with light...”
#calendarofthesoul #easter #steinercommunity #springawakening #higherconsciousness
Happy Passover!
An outstanding #blackboarddrawing by the #steinerthirdgrade #classteacher Mr. Martínez.
#steinercommunity #steinercurriculum #steinerchalkdrawing #onfestivals #steinerfestivals #steinercurriculum #oldtestamentstories
“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us, or we find it not.” #ralphwaldoemerson #steinerninthgrade #steinerdrawingclass #learningbydrawing #wewalkinbeauty #wholehumaneing #meetingtheadolescent #waldorfeducation #steinerhighschool
"You must be for the children the representative of the good, the true, and the beautiful. The Children must be drawn to truth, goodness, and beauty simply because the children are drawn to you yourself." #rudolfsteiner
#kingdomofchildhood #childdevelopment #waldorfeducation
One of the wonders you’ll find in our classrooms at our #openhouse. The study of #ancientrome in #steinersixthgrade
Hannibal's crossing of the Alps in 218 BC. #steinercurriculum #waldorfeducation #teachinghistory #thewaldorfway #educationasart #steinerteachers #waldorfblackboard
These #blackandwhite drawings are from the #steinerninthgrade.
#prospectiveparents sign up for our next #openhouse for grades 7-12 learn more about the #steinercurriculum & #waldorfeducation: https://t.co/RkMQw3qfJX #africanandasianmasks #steinerhighschool #educationasart