

Howdy! Just a person who likes to draw things. Thanks for stopping by.

フォロー数:1631 フォロワー数:209

2019 - 2022
First digital art to now
A bit of a shorter timeframe than others have shown, but it still took a hellova lot of effort to get to where I'm at now.

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Changed programs and life got a little better. I think? lmao

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A bit simplistic in nature, but I like letting the lines do the heavy lifting. 😌😤
I had a lot of fun coloring your line work!

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Grovel human! I'm so excited! Happy CSM release day!

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Iiiiiit's my birthday! 😀
All I want is for you to look at my art and uhhhhh
Maybe retweet it? 👉👈

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"Don't be distracted by the what-if's, should-have's, and if-only's. The one thing you choose yourself - that is the truth of your universe"

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This is my newest oc Breaker! He's an ex-military freelance bounty hunter! He never fails to laugh at dickbutt and at any chance, he will draw it wherever he can. He's perpetually tired and always wants to take a nap. (This is all the lore that I've come up with so far)

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