

writer of weird stories for the web
contributor @AskVectorPrime2
cohost @OurWorldsPod
archivist @TFMosaicArchive
editor @TFWiki

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oh my god Simon Furman wrote a comic starring Erector, Discharge, Windbreaker, Gusher, Heave, Greaser, and a bunch more like them, in a 22-page script consisting solely of innuendos, for the 2019 Nordic Transformers convention RetCon. It needs to be seen to be believed

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oh, also: the writer intended the Legends Lio Convoy body for Cheetor, as it vaguely fits the Transmetal 2 aesthetic. Galvatron is obviously the BWII form

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turns out it was exactly the same copy, scanned by on the wiki discord! He since scanned the four illustrations from The Sound of Breaking Glass, which are now also also in the media archive

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recently I was swaying away from the idea that PCC Huffer's mold was ever based on G1 Huffer (because that head is very Menasor!) but holy shit those are fully just his G1 upper arms. Would try to swap them with Crankcase's except they'd just shatter. Knees/chest also quite G1!

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Combatron was done dirty in Force of Habit with those Universe repurposings, so when imagining the Convoy of that planet, I drew inspiration from Duel (DOTM Megs) and Mad Max. (His motivation's based on Hegewisch from Chicago, not that that means anything to anyone lmao)

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came up with this guy last month, now with an alt-mode and a proper bio. I think the TF: Cybertron Scout Class is basically my platonic ideal of what a Transformer should be? Sublime's gimmick is probably a snapping claw, something super boring

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oh yeah just a chill little shill for you but in the course of researching Death's Head appearances I read X-Men '92 and Darkhawk, both by Chris Sims and Chad Bowers. Legitimately the platonic ideal of comic books in my eyes, great stuff. Here's a random panel

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hi ! The TFWiki's been puzzling over something—do you remember coining the name "Optronix"? It's in The Ultimate Guide, but War Within seems to avoid calling pre-Prime anything. Could it have come from the guys doing the profile books? Any help's much appreciated!

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omg the forbidden triton

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we mostly keep mum on who did what but special mention to for bringing Galvatron to life with his drawings, and to for his first pieces for the blog—can't wait to see more!

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