

🇨🇦 Digital Artist / Character Designer / Graphic Artist 🎉 Commissions Open! PM me for Details!
@Tobooki on Instagram 😊
(Formally NicoleRiceIllustrations)

フォロー数:17 フォロワー数:10

The "Relinquishers" make up another team playing my campaign! If you liked these, be sure to follow for more as I have a lot more coming your way!!

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Emmett Lewis - Human
Arrogant beyond comparison, he would have you believe he is far better than anyone else. Most people realize very quickly he's not quite as great as he would have them believe

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Charlotte Reagan - Brightmaid
Adorned in fine armor, she it quite strong. With brains and beauty, it's no wonder why her team looks to Charlotte for guidance.

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Augustus Alberts - Half Elf
With good looks and a charming personality, Augustus is a bit of a flirt.

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Mae Roscoe - Halfling
Short in height, and short in temper. With a rage that could scare even the largest of men, Mae is one fierce warrior.

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"The Order of the Scarlet Rose" is another team competing in my campaign. They aren't the only ones though. If you like these ones, be sure to follow as I have more coming your way!

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Iris Giovana - Water Genasi
Full of confidence, Iris knows her worth and wishes to show the world she deserves their admiration.

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Elijah Lionheart - Orc
Prior to the Heroes Gauntlet, Elijah travelled about in search of who his patron might be. He decided to join in hopes to find the answers to his questions.

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Xantia - Human
A lot is unknown about Xantia. The scars, the tattoo... they leave a lot for the questioning mind. I wonder what secrets she may hold?

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Team "TADA!" Is another group participating in my campaign! However they aren't the only ones. Be sure to follow if you'd like to meet the other teams

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