Trash Can Danさんのプロフィール画像

Trash Can Danさんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:4258 フォロワー数:4841

Watched Karate Kill (2016) now this is my kind of trash a Karate expert comes from Japan to L.A. in search of his missing sister who has been kidnapped by a snuff website cult run by a nutty Manson type. Violent sleazy but all done with a sense of humour The Limey meets Ricky-O👍

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Watched Krush Groove (1985) a classic Hip Hop musical that's basically a semi biopic on the origins of Def Jam Records & was a great showcase for some popular artists of the time including Run DMC, The Fat Boys, Sheila E, Kurtis Blow & has cameos by LL Cool J & The Beastie Boys👍

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Watched Android (1982) pretty goofy but charming little New World Pictures sci-fi flick that feels like it could fit into some part of the Alien world (mainly because yet again use props and sets were recycled from Forbidden World & such) starring the always creepy Klaus Kinski👍

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Two good recent ones Eyes Of My Mother & Starry Eyes👍

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Watched The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh (1971) I almost got my Giallo card revoked for not seeing this yet & after watching it.. rightly so! This was an amazing Giallo IMO really nails all the tropes in the best way Sergio Martino is at the peak of his stylish game with this one👍

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Thanks Jane hope you and everyone else is having a great holiday season😀👍🎁💐🍻🍻🍻🍻

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Watched Locke (2013) well I put this one off for a while because I didn't think a guy sitting in a car for an hour & a half would be that interesting but damn this had me compelled a great script, Tom Hardy's excellent performance & the great use of photography made this a win👍

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