

Freelance/commission artist/animator, occasional music composer. Mostly post my passion game project here.

フォロー数:11 フォロワー数:1692

WIP of Aurumo walking while blocking. One thing I actually forgot to add to my system was a slow drain to Guard meter while holding it. When I get Aurumo's playable WIP out, I'm gonna add that. Aurumo's guard meter is bigger, but will drain a lil faster while walking.

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WIP of Aurumo's counter attack. It's gonna be like a Dark Souls shield parry. No damage, but when it collides with an attack, it'll put the target into a special stun he can follow up. His normal throw will do something special if the foe is grabbed in this stun.

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Quick patch to Gejhi for MUGEN I made, mainly do some background bugs, but tweeked a couple other things while I was at it.

(public download post on patreon)

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Download from my Patreon:

Details and play info from him will be posted on my site over time!

Asset dump of him and WIP critters soon to be posted for patrons.

Have fun~

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This design is definitely a bit BLATANT for sure. I giggled like a moron doing it. It's stupid and I'm gonna change him into something not so on the nose with referenced features.

Was fun to doodle up though. Hahah.

Ghost of Ciacyl used as a size reference.

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Also, I'm going to set up a page for Gejhi on my site, where a link to the download will be, as well as all sorts of details, like movelist, combos, frame data and such. The frame data might take me a bit, so that might come a bit after his release. It will be there eventually.

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In addition to putting Gejhi out for the public. I've also decided I'm going to do a massive animation/asset dump for all my critters' work so far onto my Patreon, I'll be regularly updating the asset dumps every couple weeks, and hope to have new WIPs playable for patrons soon.

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Gejhi doing "Phantom Kick" (Left) and Jeibu doing his own adaptation of that move "Neutron Kick" (Right),

Without the effects. Still figuring out Jeibu's. Something implying gravity waves, Outside of Mugen, I'll definitely have a space-distortion around it.

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Quick work on Jeibu's jump assets. Think I have a lil bit of a faster system. Couple hours of work. As I said before, I'm gonna leave most animations unpolished until the character is fully in beta & nearly finished game play wise. Details can come later.

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Made a portrait for Jeibu now too and put him up next to Gejhi for comparison. Some seem to confuse them when they don't see them side-by-side, hope this makes their differences a bit more obvious.

I might tweek Jeibu's portrait a bit, but this is good enough for now.

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