Anton ʕ•̀ᴥ•́ʔさんのプロフィール画像

Anton ʕ•̀ᴥ•́ʔさんのイラストまとめ

Illustrator/UI/Technical Artist. Working for @MSP_world at day, and soloing my own games after sunset🧛🏻‍♂️ … Oh I made an app!

フォロー数:879 フォロワー数:275

I,m also working on other stuff, like a vampire inspired mikado-puzzle like game, I JUST (as an hour ago) unearthed, dusted off and tried building it for HTML5 - Give it a spinn!


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After some talk about html5 in the forum, I decided to see if an old project of mine, could be build with Html5 ... and Eureka!

I hereby introduce you to the WORLD PREMIERE of "Tiny Vampire!"

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Anyone recognizing any of the names on this high-score list😅 ... With a "bit" of help from

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Hexaville har i naturligvis en bunke😉:
Caspar, Liv og Olga (hovedpersonerne)
Norma - deres Matemagi lærer
Frank - deres kosteræs lærer (selv om han aldrig er blevet SET på en kost)
Emeritus -
Fru Fuhr - Skolens rektor
Lulu - Lærer i anvendt Matemagi

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I have other “witches”/“styles” but common for them is they need to ride a broomstick, and as I said … not too complex a style!

Pls. Comment!

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I’m designing levels, and being able to draw concave colliders would be practical! Someone mentioned polygon triangulation.

And before I know it im thinking about a way to do “ear clipping” - thanks for leading me down that rabbit Hole🙄

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Tror mere det bliver noget i den her retning … måske simplere, og animeret i Spine

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Bought a screencover for my iPad, and immediately had to try it out!

Conclution: I like it, already forgot how it felt drawing on the slick/childsnotcovered surface … If anything, the anticipation of it brought me into drawing again!

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Its aliiive! (Until you chop it to pieces ... obviously!)

Its my first “swing” at animating the monsters in my upcomming game ... Done in but this skeleton has too many bones😆

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