

Neon Genesis Evangelion is certainly a thing in history.

フォロー数:89 フォロワー数:703

We never see them in disagreement, save for the one time Yui refuses to activate when Gendo lets Shinji leave. We do see him talking about the wish and desire of them both. That we're not shown Yui planning with Gendo proves nothing - their whole relationship happens off-screen.

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Stolen because it is a lovely one and I need to share it.

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People are easy to kill -> become invincible.

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Too late, but I meant the artstyle. Character models, mostly. Here are some "highlights" from ep. 6:

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Neon Genesis Evangelion, episode 24: original vs the director's cut. Note the change in Gendo's right arm.

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Ep. 16 doesn't fit this idea. Gendo gone, Ritsuko with lipstick.

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