Sven Sachsさんのプロフィール画像

Sven Sachsさんのイラストまとめ

Palaeoherpetologist, associate researcher at Naturkunde-Museum Bielefeld (Germany). I share news about my research and photos taken during collection visits.

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In remembrance of my friend Markus Bertling, curator of the Geomuseum Münster, who suddenly passed away, I want to share some images of Brancasaurus, a specimen he took care of, for Markus supported my research for many years and I will surely miss him.

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In addition to my post about Lilienstern’s Liliensternus and Ruehlelia, and because most information is only available in German, I thought I may share some details about Hugo Rühle von Lilienstern with you today. 1/13

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My first paper in 2020 was released today. and I describe the first late Tithonian thalattosuchian from Europe and discuss the teleosauroid diversity
50 free pdfs:

Art: Dmitry Bogdanov (Wikipedia)

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Unsere Publikation über einen neuen riesigen Plesiosaurier aus der ist erschienen:

Der Fund wird im Paläontologischen Museum in aufbewahrt.

Dank an für die Reko.

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Our paper on Middle plesiosaurs from in northern was published yesterday (backdated to 2018). We describe a large Liopleurodon tooth and other fragments. A pdf is available on my website

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Work in progress with and . This is a figure for a manuscript on historical teleosaurid specimens from Germany and England which is about ready for submission.

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Our paper on Arminisaurus schuberti, a new is out: Life reco by

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Our paper on Lagenanectes richterae, a new elasmosaurid from Germany, was published: Artwork here by

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