

tormented freak, internet jester, archon of the bug girl agenda. Models are self-made.
💚 Fan tag is #JunipArt
[email protected]

フォロー数:2493 フォロワー数:226068

I love Gesugao art....
I'm sorry!! 😅

447 5798

-4 arms
-Inhuman legs
-Inhuman ears
-Black sclera
-Bug parts
-Both fur and exoskeleton

It has occured to me that.... I'm.... not a beginner-friendly monstergirl am I😨

385 7063

must I continue to suffer 😷

185 4076

I was ready to go today and then boom

feels kinda covid man

181 3381

Vee-tubers? Virtual anime women? Son, what the hell are you talking about? We're grilling.

249 3940

oh mischievous and tantalizing spicy food gods

please spare my butt from my 10/10 homemade spicy green curry. Let me experience a good thing without punishment. Just once. Ameep.

184 3271