

tormented freak, internet jester, archon of the bug girl agenda. Models are self-made.
💚 Fan tag is #JunipArt
[email protected]

フォロー数:2493 フォロワー数:226068

I'm gonna kill this little dude

319 5795

Some personal dnd art I made to relax but I liked it too much to not share it 💦

230 3226

oh holy Bang, please give me the energy to complete the day, thank you

150 3780

Darkwood doodle, couldn't decide if I liked it or not so I'll let the universe decide

240 2540

i want power : )

248 4950

I finished/planted my 10gal betta fish tank today!
No pictures until I let it cycle and pick a fish but I made an artistic rendering for you! did you know that i am an artist

39 1158


208 5641

........should I exist today 🤔

344 5284

back online soon!

260 4684