

Owner of Spellfiregifts.com I love costumes, tarot, paganism, D&D. Slytherin, Bard, Witch & Rogue. Super Married to @Hummdm Garden Witch & Crone

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Today's Color: Indigo. Saturday waning moon is an excellent time for banishment. An easy spell is to write your unwanted burden on paper, cut it into pieces until you feel satisfied, then burn them in a cauldron. Scoop out the ashes & bury them. Out of your sight out of your life

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Today's Color: Turquoise. Welcome to the last full moon of summer witches! Carve out time for tarot, divination, charging & dedication. Break out anything with a moon on it for a little boost. Harvesting is aided, as well as anything made with those goods. Super Corn Moon is here

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Today's Color: White. Prep for the last Super Moon of the year! Gather rain water, crystals, tools etc for charging. Potion bottles are a great symbol at this time, so create spell jars! Make time for tarot/divination work. The Full Corn Moon (Sturgeon Moon) approaches tomorrow!

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Today's Color: Lavender. Slooow it down, & take a deep breath before starting the day. Nothing is a crisis (well not most things we treat as one) & you always manage to get it done. Self care is in order, so get a special lunch, a fancy coffee or treat yourself to something small

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Ohhhhhhh it's raining heavily. We need it sooooo badly right now!

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Today's Color: Ivory. Honeysuckle is found in many folklore stories. It's used to sustain love & attracts luck, lots of it! It's also one of the most potent lures for fairies & other fae. While it doesn't smell great for burning (due to sugar content) it is very powerful indeed.

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Today's Color: Scarlet. A little gratefulness can go a long way. It's been a tough winter for many, so it's important to find hope where we can. Make a small list of things you are grateful for in YOURSELF. Knowing there is positivity in aspects of our lives provides grounding

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The update tomorrow is HUGE again. Here's what's coming.
*STEVIE INSPIRED HATS! (Like the one in my avatar photo)
*Lots of new witchy decor
*Tons of crystal points, tumbles & spheres
*Herbs & Oddities
*Candles (rabbit tea lights, just in time!)

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Today's Color: Coral. Many big ideas start small, & evolve into something larger. If you're flexible, & willing to bend/break limitations you will find a world of magic waiting for you. Dreams aren't for other people, they're for you. Re-inventing yourself can happen at any age.

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