

Postmaster of Simple post office. The views I express on Twitter are personal and irrelevant to any company or organization.

フォロー数:1303 フォロワー数:747


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のハッシュタグ。Twitterの凍結ってどの様なシステムで行われているのかな? 凍結権限を持つ個人(検閲者)が単独で凍結するのか、それとも一定の合議(複数)で凍結するのか。もし個人が権限を持つなら検閲者自身の思想信条で加減が変わる可能性が否定できない。

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Lunch on Sunday, August 7th. Nori porridge is made from dried sea lettuce seaweed and eggs. Chinese cabbage pickles are made by my mother. (Illustration is for reference)

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NHK 観了。番組MC 氏の最後の一言が「またいつか…」ですか。この一言は最終回の言葉ではないか。46回続いたのに次回未定。この番組の緩さが好きなのに番組打ち切りか?

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Supper on Thursday, August 4th. The soup is Champon soup made by Nagasaki Shirayuki Foods. The noodles are Champon noodles made by Hiroshima Marubayashi. Vegetables are cut vegetables in a bag. I drank one 500ml can of the quasi-beer.

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Lunch on Saturday, July 30th. Nori porridge is made from dried sea lettuce seaweed and eggs. Chinese cabbage pickles are made by my mother. (Illustration is for reference)

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Supper on Thursday, July 28th. Yakisoba is made by my mother. Green soybean tofu is a product of Green Co-op. The taste of green soybean. Tomatoes are eaten with salt. I drank one 500ml can of the quasibeer. (Illustration is for reference)

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Dinner on Tuesday, July 26th. Makisushi is made by my mother. The ingredients are grilled eel and others. Instant udon is a product of Green Corp. I drank one 500ml can of the quasi-beer. (Illustration is for reference)

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