

Postmaster of Simple post office. The views I express on Twitter are personal and irrelevant to any company or organization.

フォロー数:1303 フォロワー数:747

Supper on Monday 22nd August. I drank one 500ml can of the quasi-beer. (Illustration is for reference only)

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Supper on Sunday 21st August. Out of season. But it's delicious to eat hot stew in an air-conditioned room. The stew is cooked using House Hokkaido stew. I drank one 500ml can of the quasi-beer. (Illustration is for reference)

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考。コロナ陰謀説、風邪説、ワクチン陰謀説、その他諸々陰謀説を採る人は除外。心ある市民はコロナの感染拡大を防止する為に一層の忍耐を。マスクは他者への思い遣り。予防よりも感染拡大の防止に有効。政府がマン防ほか しないからコロナが無害になった訳ではないのでご注意を。

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考。「知恵や学問がなく愚かなさま」であり「無知は知識がないこと。 何も知らない」とある。#コロナ禍 で露呈したのは個々の知識に対する謙虚さの差。専門性が高い医療は専門家(少なくとも主流派)の意見に謙虚に耳を傾ける必要があろう。理解を拒否したり利己主義が社会の足を引っ張る。

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Lunch on Monday, July 18th. Egg with rice is eaten by sprinkling raw egg and exclusive soy sauce on freshly cooked white rice. It's delicious. (Illustration is for reference)

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Supper on Friday 12th August. (#fish_paste_products), Tempura is made by Keima Onomichi. I drank one 500ml can of the quasi-beer. (Illustration is for reference only)

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