

Rendering Team @idsoftware (personal account)
BSEE CpE - C++/OpenGL/Compute Shaders
co-organizer of @GraphicsMeetup

フォロー数:1125 フォロワー数:1246

got my neighborhood based ambient occlusion working again

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this is looking pretty promising

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Revisiting some old projects, found out it's completely trivial to make v1.1 run at 1080x5760 with the way I have my tiled renderer set up. 512^3 voxel blocks like this pink guy creates some coil whine with some compute shader operations, but you'll have that

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Working through the tinyrenderer software rasterizer tutorial

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This is a side-by-side comparison - the light comes from close to where the camera is, you can see where there is a sort of projection of the faces. It is subtle, and I've been thinking for a while how to fix it - as a plus, this solution should extend easily to point lights.

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