

Rendering Team @idsoftware (personal account)
BSEE CpE - C++/OpenGL/Compute Shaders
co-organizer of @GraphicsMeetup

フォロー数:1125 フォロワー数:1246

Fixed the aliasing in my previous solution for directional lighting. Went from a 2d solution that closely mirrored the raycasting of the display function to a 3d solution that looks at the amount of absorptive material between each voxel and the light source.

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seeing a major improvement in aliasing with the new tile-based approach (there is supersampling involved)

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This has actually been a pretty major fix - I've got a lot more usable range with the transparency now, things look way more dynamic

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Got that working, kind of interesting how its casting such defined shadows - I think it has to do with the order in which the upward rays are evaluated - I am working with rgb data instead of states, too, so I have an alpha threshold instead of checking for state=0

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